How to Solve Common Electrical Issues at Home?


An electrical issue around your house is not only annoying but has the potential to cause serious damage. If the electrical issues aren’t taken care of, they could ultimately lead to major problems. The electrical system is one of the most complicated systems in your home which demands great attention.

These electrical problems can be as simple as like repairing a fuse to as complicated as resolving a breakage in an electrical circuit. There might be a risk while diagnosing an electrical problem or performing repairs themselves, a homeowner should immediately call a professional. Moreover, there are some electrical problems that are beyond the scope of common people’s abilities and the specialized knowledge of a trained electrician becomes essential in such cases.

However, there are some common electrical issues that arise over and over again that a homeowner can fix themselves. Such electrical problems should also be approached with great care and it is always a good idea to acquire a couple of do-it-yourself books.

Here’s the list of some of the most common home electrical problems and what you can do to resolve them:

Flickering or Blinking Lights

Problem of flickering and blinking of lights may arise from the loose connection in the circuit or loose connection between the bulb and holder.

Turn off the circuit before attempting to fix the problem. Then remove the bulb from the lamp, chandelier or other lighting device. Examine the socket where the bulb is screwed, you may find a tab in the center that might have bent over years of use. Take a screwdriver and straighten the tab so that it can connect firmly with the bulb. Replace the bulb, turn on the power, and see if the blinking problem is resolved. If that doesn’t resolve the problem, the socket may need to be replaced. You can purchase a new socket from any hardware shop.

Surges and Spikes

Surges are long bursts caused by additional voltage whereas Spikes are electrical bursts that are caused by too much voltage. The voltage that causes surges and spikes generally occurs due to accidents or storms. These might destroy your appliances either instantly or deliberately over time. TVs, computers, VCRs, stereo systems, electronic video games, microwave ovens and answering machines are prone to surges and spikes. But you can save your electrical appliances from surges and spikes by using a surge protector. There are commercially available plug-in surge and spike protectors that can protect your electronics against spikes, electrical noise, surges, and other outside disturbances.

Tripping of Circuit Breaker

Tripping of circuit breaker or blowing off the fuse may be caused due to overloading on the circuit when many appliances are used at the same time or by the loose connection near the circuit breaker or in the fuse wire. Stop using high wattage appliances like microwave or a hair dryer at the same time. If problem still exists a new separate circuit for heavy items is the only solution.

Fishy Smelling switches

This happens due to arcing. Arcing is an indication to a serious damage done to both the electrical device and the socket it is attached to. It could even cause a fire. So immediately turn the power off and call an electrician to fix the problem.


At this point, you have some good information for tackling many home electrical problems that might occur. Whether or not your problem is on this list, we can help. We’ll answer any questions you may have and send an expert electrician to your house as soon as possible. Call our professional electrician in NYC or email us today.

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