5 Common Door Problems and How to Fix Them


Doors are prone to several types of problems. Problems caused by lack of lubrication to old hinges can lead to issues that are both inconvenient and irritating.

If you have started facing a problem with one or several doors across your home, check out these common door problems and solutions.

Common Door Installation Problems and Fixes | EZ-Hang Door

  1. Doors stuck or difficult to move.

It is perhaps the most common problem, although it is also one of the easiest to solve. They should know that the accumulation of debris and particles is the main reason why the sliding doors do not slide properly. Dust, dirt, stones, hair, and skin debris are some of the most accumulating elements along with the guides and in the grooves, obstructing the lower wheels underneath and making it difficult for them to move smoothly.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to clean two specific parts: the rollers and the shaft. The way they should do it is as follows:

  • Remove the door from the guide. First, locate the upper roller adjusting screws and with a screwdriver turn them counterclockwise. This will release the rollers and bring the door flush with the shaft. Then remove the pieces at the top of the frame. With this simple instruction, you will be able to carefully remove the door from the guide.
  • Check the rollers. Place your door on a horizontal table or surface so that you can access the rollers located at the bottom and use the screwdriver again to gently pry them out. If they discover that they are damaged, that is likely the source of the problem so they should replace it with quality hardware. If you only find dirt, scrape and rub the rollers with denatured alcohol. Finally, apply silicone spray to keep them free of dirt for a good period.
  • Clean the guides. Like rollers, they need to clean the upper shaft with rubbing alcohol and spray it with silicone. If you have a vacuum, use it to suck up the bottom rail debris and then wipe it off with alcohol. To lubricate they can rub with paraffin wax which, in addition to being cheaper than other alternatives, resists the efforts of the lower guide.
  • Reinstall the door. Align the sliding door on the lower axis and then tilt it up. Put the stopper first as this will prevent it from falling off while installing it. Lastly, rotate the door toward the jamb where the latch is located, then turn the adjusting screws until the door is parallel to the jamb.
  1. Alignment problems

At some point, the doors become misaligned which obstructs their sliding. To realign it in the guides, both at the top and bottom of the frame, they have to remove the door and put it back. Make sure the rollers on the top are aligned first, then snap the bottom into place by pushing the door up. They may need to turn the screws at the top so that the door can move again.

  1. Broken latches

If you have a latch that is not responsive or lubricated, you require a new one. They must remove the damaged part carefully to avoid damage to the door and show it to a supplier of your local hardware store and locks so that they can acquire the same model or, failing that, one that is compatible. Do not forget to install the piece considering the instructions included in it; when finished, test its maneuverability, if the lever moves or rotates properly, and verify that all components work.

How to Fast Fix Cracked Door Jamb - iFixit Repair Guide

  1. Broken frames

Unfortunately, we cannot always control the situations to guarantee the integrity of the door frames, so it is not surprising that in accidents with children or pets they tend to break. Ideally, buy a quality frame in advance to avoid this problem. In case the frames are damaged, contact a professional as attention to this problem requires greater knowledge in the maintenance of sliding doors.

  1. Broken glass

If after an accident the frame was not broken, but if the glass of your sliding door, we recommend removing it and replacing it immediately to avoid injuries or the risk of burglary. It is recommended that you leave this problem in the hands of experts, although if you trust your skills you can try the following steps to replace the glass in your door.

  • Remove the edge around the glass, and carefully remove any remaining residue.
  • Get the correct measurements for the glass, both its height and width and consider leaving a few inches to ensure its fit.
  • Install the glass piece by placing it in the door opening.
  • Use a caulking silicone to seal it off and clean the glass when finished.

To avoid this inconvenience that can be dangerous for children and pets, we recommend purchasing a reinforced glass sliding door in advance and applying an anti-splinter film that increases the resistance of any glass surface. It is also important that they teach children about the dangers of playing near the sliding door. Better safe than sorry.

If you follow each of these tips, we guarantee that common problems with sliding doors can be solved and you will always have them. Ideally, before installing them, make sure to use the best quality hardware among other parts with reliable suppliers who provide door installation and maintenance services.

One more thing–if fixing these door problems is beyond your DIY skills or expertise, make sure to call a door professional.

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