Biting Cold, Aging Furnace: When to Consider a NYC Furnace Replacement



Are you looking to replace your furnace? 

Do it as soon as possible as surviving the winters in NYC is no joke. 

Whether you are new to NYC or a seasoned resident, New York winters are cold and can be more troublesome due to factors like wind chill making the air feel even more frigid. 

That’s why not getting your faulty furnace replaced on time can make you regret it later on those bone-chilling nights. 

Unfortunately, furnace issues are not noticed until it’s too late, even worse when winters are at their peak. In fact, many of our clients were not able to figure out that their heating system was not working until they turned it on. 

Know When to Replace Your Furnace

A furnace is a vital part of the heat and cooling system installed in any home. 

It should be replaced when it becomes too old to work properly, so you can enjoy more comfortable temperatures in every room of your house. 

Here are some key signs to look for while replacing your furnace. 

Your furnace is old.

The average lifespan of a residential furnace is 15-20 years. Check your maintenance manual to see how long it can last. If it is approaching the end of its life expectancy, you can consider an upgrade. 

Even though some furnaces can last longer, fixing them when they’re really old can cost a lot, and they might not work very well. Old ones are usually not very efficient, wasting a lot of fuel. 

Your furnace keeps breaking down.

If your furnace breaks down a lot, it’s time to replace it. 

Your heating bills are through the roof.

If your heating bills are more than 15% of your income, it’s time to replace your furnace. Your old model may be energy inefficient and result in higher utility bills. 

Your house isn’t warm enough.

If your furnace is too small for the size of your house, you might be losing heat. This can happen when you have an old model that’s not even capable of heating all the rooms in your home. The more rooms there are to heat, the more efficient it needs to be.

If there’s no air circulation in your home and air quality isn’t good (which can happen if you have pets), then those things are going to reduce how much heat comes out of this unit—and possibly make it so cold inside that you don’t want anything near it!

If noise from this device bothers anyone else in their house who shares space with it then maybe consider replacing it sooner rather than later!

Your furnace is making strange noises.

The first thing to remember about your furnace is that it makes a lot of noise. This can be expected, as furnaces need to run for hours at a time, day after day. Furnaces also produce heat from their burning gas or oil and must be kept warm to do so. If you notice that your furnace makes loud noises when it’s running (e.g., rattling), this could be caused by an oil leak or loose parts inside the unit itself—but remember: these sounds are normal!

If you’re hearing weird noises coming from inside your home’s heating system, however—or if those strange sounds are getting worse over time—then there may be something wrong with your system itself that needs fixing right away before they cause further damage.

Benefits of Furnace Replacement

If you’re looking to save money on energy bills and stay comfortable through the winter months, replacing your furnace is a great idea. Here’s why:

Saving Money–

A new furnace can help you save money on energy bills. Older units are not as energy efficient. 

Older furnaces are more likely to have a higher rate of temperature change, which means they consume more electricity and cost more to operate over a year. Newer models are designed with improved insulation, which helps them run cooler and save money on heating costs by keeping your home warmer during winter months and cooler in summer months. 

In addition to reducing your monthly utility bills, an updated system also makes it easier for you to keep up with maintenance requirements such as cleaning out filters or replacing parts as needed without having any downtime in service!

Safety –

A malfunctioning furnace can lead to the risk of a fire or carbon monoxide leakage in your home. And we don’t need to tell you that carbon monoxide can be lethal if you inhale or ingest it. 

Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause serious health problems including death, brain damage, and coma. 

Comfort – 

The best thing about a new furnace is that it provides consistent heating throughout your home. New furnaces are more efficient and use less energy, so they require less heat to keep you comfortable during the winter months.

Less Noisy

A new unit can also be quieter than an older model. The newer models come equipped with quiet blowers that operate at lower speeds, which reduces noise levels and noise pollution in your home.

Reliability – 

Reliable furnaces are less likely to break, which means you’ll have reliable heat when you need it most. This can be especially important for renters who may be in a place that doesn’t allow for repairs or replacements on the same day that they call for service.

Modern furnace systems are also easier to install correctly, meaning they will last longer and save you money by reducing your maintenance costs over time. Finally, they are less likely to have warranty issues because they were designed with durability in mind from the start—and if something goes wrong with yours (and it probably will), there’s a good chance someone else has already experienced this issue before making their purchase decision!

Replace Your Furnace Today for Improved Safety, Saving and Comfort

Hope you understand the importance of upgrading your furnace. After all, getting it replaced with a new and efficient one will ensure increased comfort, savings, and safety. 

Schedule your consultation with us now and we will be more than happy to choose the right furnace for your living spaces.

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